Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Food Recap

So... Food recap. Last month was Dine LA. Well actually the last week of January and the first week of February was Dine LA. Lets just say I was glad when it was over. I do not miss it. It really is one thing to work behind the scenes of something like that, than to eat there. It is a pain for everyone. I kind of felt guilty eating at Matteo's in Westwood just because I know how hard they work doing their regular menu as well as the Dine LA menu. But Matteo's Dine LA menu was absolutely amazing! I had their beefsteak tomato as an appetizer, braised duck lasagna, and their tiramisu. I give that meal 5 stars! :-D

Valentine's day at the restaurant was not so bad at all. I just wanted it to be done, that is what happens when you serve dessert, you are the last one to leave!

Off the Menu was an article in the LA times last month about Filipino Chefs. Read it! I myself did not realize that their is quite a few of us out there working in the industry! I am proud and happy! This article talks about how a lot of these chefs do cook in the fine dining of the industry but tend not to bring the Filipino food to the fine dining table. Mostly, the bring it to staff meal, sometimes known as staff meal. I myself have tried a deconstructed version but failed in execution to bring my Filipino heritage to the table. I am however, not going to give up to bring that to the table somehow, someday. I love our food and I want the rest of the world to try and appreciate our food. It really is comforting and soothes my soul!

So the latest buzz that has been going around Santa Monica is The Hump Restaurant's big controversy of serving endangered Sei Whale Meat, illegally. I say its illegal pay the price and if they really did get it out of the trunk of a Benz... that leaves me speechless with my jaw dropped down and quite frankly disgusted. Make yourselves aware of what you are not allowed to sell. If you are aware do not try to sell it. The Hump issued this apology: "An Apology From The Hump
We write to address the misdemeanor charge recently filed by the U.S. Attorney. The charge against the restaurant is true: The Hump served whale meat to customers looking to eat what in Japan is widely served as a delicacy. In serving this meat, The Hump ignored its responsibilities to help save endangered whales from extinction and failed to support the world community in its uphill fight to protect all endangered species. While The Hump cannot undo the damage it caused, it will put into place procedures to ensure that it strictly complies with the laws and becomes a good corporate citizen. We sincerely apologize. We pledge to work hard to re-earn the trust of the public and respect of our customers."
Is it me or do they not seem that sincere. For me its the fact that they had to justified they did what they did because the meat is considered a delicacy in Japan. It sounds more like they are sorry for getting caught. I am just saying.

I am in the middle of experiment with desserts at work. I shall post it when I am done.

Eat well!

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